Flutter Configuration

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Change App Color

In the main directory go to the lib folder -> utils folder and open the AppColors.dart file and change the primaryColor value.

const primaryColor = Color(0xFF2a2a32);

Change Ad ID

In the main directory go to the android  ->  app -> src -> main -> res folder and open the AndroidManifest.xml file and change YOUR_AD_ID .

<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.ads.APPLICATION_ID"

In the main directory go to the lib  ->  utils -> open Constant.dart  change ‘YOUR_BANNER_ID_FOR_ANDROID’ and ‘YOUR_BANNER_ID_FOR_IOS ‘

const bannerAdIdForAndroid = 'YOUR_BANNER_ID_FOR_ANDROID';
const bannerAdIdForIos = 'YOUR_BANNER_ID_FOR_IOS';

Disable ads:

Go to lib -> utils -> open Constant.dart change true to false

const showMobileAds = true;

Add Wallpaper images

Go to firebase console -> Open your project -> Click on storage from left side Build panel -> inside files click on upload images and add images of your choice

Add wallpaper image url  to your project

  • go to lib -> utils folder -> open images.dart 
  • Add image url as shown below
  • go to lib -> Screens folder -> open WallpaperScreen.dart
  • add KEY_NAME to wallpaper List

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Flutter Configuration

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