Admin Panel Setup

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User Guide

On behalf of iconic design team, we would like to thank you for purchasing this item. Your support encourages us to build better items and continuously bring value to our products. This documentation file covers all the information needed to install and use this Template. You’ll find everything you need to know to create a stunning and beautiful website in minutes.

Granth is based on Laravel framework version 6. You can use Granth Admin Panel to manage or view the book-related data. You also supervise events made by mobile applications like purchasing books, giving reviews,s or rating the book. 

This documentation will give you an understanding of how Granth is structured and guide you in performing functions. If you require further assistance not covered in this documentation, please contact us in our Support Click here to contact us.


Basic Installation

Before you start the installation, please make sure you have the following components enabled on your server

  1. PHP 7.2.14 or greater
  2. OpenSSL PHP Extension
  3. PDO PHP Extension
  4. Mbstring PHP Extension
  5. Tokenizer PHP Extension
  6. XML PHP Extension
  7. Ctype PHP Extension
  8. JSON PHP Extension
  9. GD PHP Extension
  10. Imagick PHP Extension
  11. PHP Fileinfo extension
  12. PHP Zip Archive
  13. Rewrite Module (Apache or Nginx)
  14. Node Js (npm 6.* or greater)

PHP.INI Requirements

  1. open_basedir must be disabled

File and folder permissions

  1. /bootstrap 775
  2. /storage 775 (recursively)

Installation Instructions

  • Upload the Codes in below directory based on your server
    In Linux
    Path: var/www/html/
    In cPanel:
    Inside File manager -> Path: public_html/
  • Run by entering the URL: http://localhost or
    If the installation page is viewable then kindly skip the below instructions and follow the Installation Steps given below.
    If not then, enter this url: http://localhost/public or

Installation Steps

Make sure you create a database into your database server before starting the installation step.



If you faced any issue with installer then follow the below configuration instructions.

Database Configurations

  • Create the database on your server
  • Open and edit the /.env file and provide your server details:
  • After that run command,
php artisan migrate --seed Or php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
  • For setup passport login, Run in terminal or CMD
php artisan passport:install
Great! You have successfully.


You can control and manage your settings from here.


General Settings

  • Logo
    – Select and upload the logo
  • Favicon
    – Select and upload the favicon

Admin Panel


You can see all the overview data here.

Book List

You can see all book list from here.

Author List

You can see all author list from here.

Mobile silder

You can add mobile app silders from here.

Mobile Setting

You can see update mobile settings from here.

API Documentation


You can see all api details on below link.

Click here for API Documentation Link

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Admin Panel Setup

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