Generate APK

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Step 1 – Go to Build -> GenerateSigned Bundle/APK… option from menu bar as shown bellow
Step 2 – Select Android App Bundle or APK Option as per your need. (Android App Bundle is best solution) and click Next button.
Step 3 – Select Create new.. option to generate new Signed key (When you release your app First Time)
Step 4 – Select Projetct path and click on next button
Step 5 – Select Projetct path and click on next button and click on OK button
Step 6 – you will get following screen… and click on Next button
Step 6 -Select release option and Click on Finish button
Step 6 -Wait for a while until Gradle Build Running process complete as shown below…
Step 7 – Then click on Locate option to get Location of your Generate Signed APK Key. as shown bellow.

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Generate APK

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