Flutter Configuration

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Change Your App Name

In main directory go to the lib -> utils -> Constants.dart file and change your app name.

static const appName = "Your app name";

Change Base Url

In main directory go to the lib -> utils -> Constants.dart file and change your base url.

const mBaseURL = 'Your base url';

Change App Colors

In main directory go to the lib -> utils -> Colors.dart file and change color code.

const primaryColor = "Your color";
const secondaryColor = "Your color";

Change Your Default Language

In main directory go to the lib -> utils -> Constants.dart file and change your default language code.

static const defaultLanguage = 'Your language code';

Change App Font

In the main directory go to the lib -> AppTheme.dart file and change the fontFamily.

fontFamily: "Your fonts",

Change App Configuration Urls

In main directory go to the lib -> utils -> Constants.dart file inside Urls class and change your app configuration urls.

  static const copyRight = 'copyright @2021 Your app name';
static const packageName = "Your package name";
static const termsAndConditionURL = 'Your terms and condition uRL';
static const mailto = 'Your contact mail';

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Flutter Configuration

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