Change log

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Version 11.0 –  20 Sep 2022

  • Fixed – View product detail without login
  • Fixed – Order summary products price
  • Updated libraries
  • Migrate to the latest gradle version

Version 10.0 –  05 Jan 2022

  • Handle Token Expiration

Version 9.0 –  09 Dec 2021

  • Major Update
  • Gradle upgrade
  • UI Improvement
  • Add Native Payment Stripe and Razor Pay
  • Product Variation
  • Notification enable disable

Version 8.0 – 31 Jan 2020

  • Migrate to new server

Version 7.0 – 31 Jan 2020

  • New – 9 MultiLanguage Support
  • New – Added Testimonials
  • New – Added Dark Mode Support

Version 6.0 – 24 Jan 2020

  • New – Multi Language (French)
  • New – About Us Page With Dynamic Social Links
  • New – Blog Screen Added
  • Bug Fixes

Version 5.0 – 18 Jan 2020

  • Handle Image slide click for more information
  • Updated Dashboard API’s
  • Added Advertisement Banners on Dashboard
  • Bug fixed: Display proper order count

Version 4.0 – 16 Jan 2020

  • Added multiple payment gateway support

Version 3.0 – 06 Jan 2020

  • Search API Implementation
  • Added Pagination in Product API, Search API
  • RazorPay Payment Gateway Integration
  • Implemented OneSignal push notification

Version 2.0 – 25 Nov 2019

  • Fixed Image slide plugins bugs.
  • Added Auto install Plugins script

Version 1.0 – 17 Nov 2019

  • Initial release

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