
Stress can be a real killer, both in the workplace and in our day to day lives. Stress serves a solid purpose in human biology, but our modern lives have brought about a surplus of causes that haunt us from day to day.

“To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.”

The organization is focused on helping employers and employees help each other by providing comprehensive guides to establishing a program within their organization, and individuals by looking after their health and well-being on a day to day basis.

Whatever you choose to do, take the time to take a day off and let yourself have a day of freedom. If it’s sickness, do something to help you focus on something other than that sickness. Stress can be a killer, don’t let it take one more day from your life, act now and start living a stress-free life!


“Calmness is the cradle of power.”

It is always celebrated on first wednesday of November as declared by the International Stress Management Association (ISMA).

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