Laravel Configuration

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Quick Start

Get details about Requirements, Basic Installation, Structure, Logo, favicon, and loader set up your project with easy steps.


  1. PHP 7.3 or greater
  2. OpenSSL PHP Extension
  3. PDO PHP Extension
  4. Mbstring PHP Extension
  5. Tokenizer PHP Extension
  6. XML PHP Extension
  7. Ctype PHP Extension
  8. JSON PHP Extension
  9. GD PHP Extension (or Imagick PHP Extension)
  10. PHP Fileinfo extension
  11. PHP Zip Archive
  12. Rewrite Module (Apache or Nginx)
php.ini Requirements
  1. open_basedir must be disabled
File and folder permissions
  1. /bootstrap 775
  2. /bootstrap 775

Basic Server Setup

Follow below steps for setup the project  on server.


Get the project zip from the CodeCanyon. Extract that zip, Go to the below path: MainFile_SourceCode/Admin Panel/ and upload that zip and extract in your Cpanel.


Upload that project zip to your server public_html directory.


Extract the zip file to that directory.


Then Create a new database from your server MySQL database.


Create a DB user to the database.


After all this, you have to just hit your URL in the browser and go on.

File Structure


  • app
    • Console
    • Exceptions
    • Helpers
    • Http
      • Controllers
        • Auth
          • Controller.php
          • HomeController.php
      • Middleware
      • Requests
    • Model
    • Provider
    • View
  • bootstrap
  • config
  • database
  • node_modelus
  • public
    • css
    • js
    • images
    • vendor
  • resources
    • css
    • js
    • lang
    • sass
    • views
      • auth
      • booking
      • category
      • components
      • layouts
      • partial
      • dashboards
      • home.blade.php
      • welcome.blade.php
  • route
  • tests
  • .editorconfig
  • .env.example
  • .styleci.yml
  • artisan
  • composer.json
  • package.json
  • phpunit.xml
  • server.php
  • webpack.mix.js


  1. Create Database
  2. Upload the Codes in below directory based on your server In Linux
    Path: var/www/html/
    In cPanel:
    Inside File manager -> Path: public_html/
  3. For database settings, open the .env file with a text editor and set your database settings.
    Note: .env is a hidden file, you can see it by opening directory to a text editor.
  4. Link your storage folder to public Run in terminal or CMD: php artisan storage:link. After this if you are facing a problem storage link using command please follow the below steps :  ln -s /home/your_application/storage/app/public /home/your_application/public/storage

Basic Steps

  1. Start command prompt window or terminal and change directory laravel:
    • cd handyman-service
  2. Copy .env.example to .env file:
    • cp .env.example .env
  3. Generate Key for project in terminal or CMD:
    • php artisan key:generate

App Configurations

Open and edit the /.env file and provide the following details

    • APP_NAME=”Your app name”
    • APP_ENV=production
    • APP_KEY=your key
    • APP_DEBUG=false
    • APP_URL=”Your app URL”

Database Configurations

  1. Create the database on your server
  2. Open and edit the /.env file and provide your server details:
  1. After that run command,
    php artisan migrate --seed Or php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
  2. If you are facing a problem migrating database using command then,
    import the handyman_service.sql file in your database
    You will find the SQL file in handyman-service/handyman_service.sql.

Mail Configurations

  1. Open and edit the /.env file and provide following details:
    • MAIL_MAILER=your mail driver
    • MAIL_HOST=your mail host
    • MAIL_PORT=your mail port
    • MAIL_USERNAME=your mail id
    • MAIL_PASSWORD=your mail password
    • MAIL_ENCRYPTION=your mail encryption
  2. Enter mail host name, mail port, mail username( Mail ID ), mail password and mail encryption type.

Earning Configurations

  • This is where you configure the earning type for (Commission-based, Subscription-based) providers in the system.
  • The provider’s default earning mode is commission-based.
  1. Commission Based
  • As soon as you add services they will be visible on the service list.
  1. Subscription-Based
  • The services will be shown only when the provider had subscribe to one of the plans he had chosen. So, the service will be added but not shown in the list because non of the provider has subscribed to the plan, once the provider will subscribe then it will be shown in the list.

To change the earning system for providers follow the below steps.

  • Navigate to the Admin dashboard.
  • Go to the dashboard’s settings panel and then to the earning settings.

Note: To add the dynamic plans,  Go to the side menu and select Plans, there you will find the option to add dynamic plans.

Cron Jobs for subscription

For Subscription-based system,

Automatically inactive the provider plan you have to setup the cron job to your server.

for that follow the below steps.

  1. ssh into your server, get inside your project with cd laravel-project-name and run the following command.
crontab -e
  1. It will open the Crontab file, and you need to assimilate the following code in the same file. Don’t forget to replace /path/to/artisan with the full path to the custom Artisan command of the Laravel project.

* * * * * cd /your-project-path && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Frontend Vue Configurations

If you want to edit the structure and CSS bundle then please follow below steps

  1. go the project directory and run,npm install
  2. You can change the structure from the resource/js/ directory
  3. after changes run the production build using,npm run production

Defualt Pages Configurations

For changing the about us page,

go to the handyman-service/public/about-us.json file and change content.


For changing the app download section,

go to the handyman-services/public/appdownload.json


Settings Configurations

Please refer to the below steps for configurations.

General settings

From the general setting,

You can change your site logo, site name, favicon icon, etc

Also, You can add the new language from the default language selection.

please see the below image.

Config setting

You can add the AD MOB configuration , App Color configuration,Currency setting etc from the config setting.

You can add custom setting for showing your service availability based on  area radius and type of distance.

Language setting

From the language setting, you can change the value of key as per your need from this setting.

Profile Setting

For update profile,

click on the profile image on the top bar and you will find the setting for the update profile.

And from that setting, you can update all your information.

Change Password Setting

To change the password,

click on the profile image on the top bar and you will find the setting for the change password.
And from that setting, you can change the password.

Source & Credits

All images and videos are for preview purposes only and are not included in the download files. Images are of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0.


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Laravel Configuration

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