Flutter Configuration

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Change App Font

1. In the main directory go to the fonts folder and adding font ttf files.

2. After adding ttf file in fonts folder open pubspec.yaml file and adding your ttf file.


3. Click in to pub get.

4. Open main.dart file and change fontFamily value.

  title: 'Custom Fonts',
  theme: ThemeData(fontFamily: 'FontFamilyName'),
  home: MyHomePage(),

Manually Change App Colors

In main directory goto the assets folder and open builder.json file and change color code.

"appsetup": {
"primaryColor": "#FC4253",
"secondaryColor": "#FDABAE",
"backgroundColor": "#FCFDFD",

Manually Change Server URL

In the main directory go to the assets folder and open the builder.json file and change your Base URL.

"appsetup": {

Manually Change App Key

In the main directory go to the assets folder and open the builder.json file and change your consumerKey & consumerSecret.

"appsetup": {
"consumerKey": "YOUR CONSUMER KEY",
"consumerSecret": "YOUR CONSUMER SECRET",

How to generate json file from builder.

Goto https://wordpress.iqonic.design/product/mobile/AppBuilder/#/ and configure your changes which you want and download json file.

How to import JSON file to app?

In the main directory go to the assets folder and change the builder.json file which is downloaded from the http://wordpress.iqonic.design/AppBuilder/#/

The file name must be builder.json.

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Flutter Configuration

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