Dynamic Keys

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The Dynamic key allows you to configure or change dynamic variables that can be used in MySQL queries and APIs to build the tables and charts, and adjusted from shortcodes to use the same table in different pages to present different data.
Imp Note : Please enable dynamic key options from elementor editor to use dynamic keys

  • {{CURRENT_USER_ID}} – This key will be always replaced with the ID of the currently logged-in user (0 for logged-out users).
  • {{CURRENT_USER_EMAIL}} – This key will replace email id with currently logged in user. If user is not logged in then by default email id will be ‘demographina@gmail.com‘.
  • {{CURRENT_USER_ROLE}} – This key will change user’s role with currently logged in user’s first role. If user is not logged in then by default role will be ‘demoadmin’.
  • {{CURRENT_DATE}} – This key will change the date with wordpress current date. Eg:- current_time(‘Y-m-d’).
  • {{CURRENT_DATE_TIME}} – This key will change the date and time with wordpress current date and time. Eg:- current_time(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’).
  • {{CURRENT_TIME}} – This key will change the time with wordpress current time. Eg:- current_time(‘H:i:s’).

For user based data:

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